Chatty Kathy: Week of 2-6-17


Chatty Kathy, Writer


Week Two of our new advice column features some interesting dilemmas and our take on the solutions. Keep the questions coming Titans, you can submit your questions through the curious cat app via our twitter page: @THS_Newspaper

  1. How do I tell my parents I got a bad grade in an electives class.

Take your parents out to a nice dinner, and then break the news and hopefully they will forgive you. If they are angry try to reason with them and make them understand that you will try harder in the future, if that doesn’t work, oh well you kind of made your own problem here. 


  1. I am stressed because my current and future schedule is full of AP classes and guidance won’t let me drop any. What do I do.

Try and improve how you are managing your time with each class so you are not stressed all the time and so you are able to complete your school work. If you have a problem with these classes and genuinely do not want to take them, restate your case to guidance and if they still don’t let you have your parent get involved.


  1. I backed into a pole in my parent’s car, what should I do!

If there isn’t a mark don’t tell them, but if there is a scratch or a dent let them know what happened and offer to help pay for it.


  1. My parents are going out of town, and my friends are telling me I should have a party. Should I fade????

You should consider having the party, after all you’re young this is the time to be a little reckless. Just make sure that you put away all valuables and lock the upstairs doors. I do however suggest that you keep it confined to a very small circle of your closest friends, DO NOT let it go public! Also be aware that if anything does go wrong you are going to be the one who suffers. 


Well, that’s it for this week’s column, keep the questions coming and we’ll keep writing!