Giving Thanks in their own words

Giving Thanks in their own words

Jenna Litchfield, Writer

With the holidays around the corner, there is holiday spirit within the Tuscarora walls. We asked our peers what they are most thankful for and why.

Senior Kevin Bell said that he is most thankful for his parents. He is very thankful for them because they raised him to be the man that he is today. He says that they taught him to be a “respectful, motivated, and loyal young man.” He wouldn’t be where he is today without his parents.

Senior Emily Romero said that she is most thankful for food, especially the food on Thanksgiving! She works at Chipotle, and she may not be thankful for working there, be she is very thankful for the food they offer!

Senior Mason Brown says that he is most thankful for his family, friends, and his girlfriend. “I wouldn’t be able to get through hard times without them.”

Junior Ashley Beall is most thankful for her workplace, which is BCI. This is a retirement home community. She enjoys working there because she really likes working with the elderly, “and being able to serve them makes me feel like I am giving back to the community.”

Junior Kyle Lepkowski says he is most thankful for for his sports team, because they are like brothers to him. “I can always count on them to have my back in any situation.”

Sophomore Erin Schnyder is most thankful for her closest family members. She states “they are my support system during rough times when i need someone to lean on.”

The holiday season always brings the best out of everyone, and everyone is very excited to spend these times with their family and friends. Don’t forget to tell those who you are thankful for!!

So, that’s what some THS students had to say, but what do YOU have to be thankful for? Let us know in the comments section!