How to Keep Sand at the Beach

How to Keep Sand at the Beach

Ashlyn Hurley, Writer

Summer is just around the corner, which means trips to the beach are going to start happening soon. The worst part about the beach is the sand that follows you around everywhere. Here are a few tips to minimize the amount of sand that you track around with you.


If you need somewhere to store your hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen while on the beach, take it all in a mesh bag. Unlike a regular hand bag, this will allow most excess sand to fall through the bag and not come back home with you.


Line the trunk of your car with a bed sheet so you can store all your beach items on it, instead of directly onto the trunk of the car.


Use a beach chair rather than laying out on a towel. You can rinse the chair off with a hose before you take it back inside.


Always wear open-toe shoes onto the beach. Sand won’t be forced to stay in them like it would a pair of sneakers.


Rinse off at one of the showers on the beach before heading back. If there are no showers, try and find a hose instead, and if there is no hose, take a quick dip into the ocean before you leave.


Apply baby powder to your skin (mainly feet and hands) before heading to the beach. Baby powder removes the moisture from your skin, so now the sand will be easier to wipe off. Also, if sand is stuck to your still-damp towels, apply a layer of baby powder to it and then shake it off, this should help remove the moisture from the towels and strip off the sand.


Bring water in a jug to rinse off your hands with clean water throughout the day.


To avoid eating sandy food, try making fruit skewers so you won’t actually have to use your hands when eating them. Or if you bring a sandwich, try wrapping it in parchment paper, and then later you can make a pocket for it so you can avoid actually touching that as well.