Too Much Too Soon: Scholarships

Too Much Too Soon: Scholarships

Ryan Bonanno, Writer

I NEED THE MONIES!!!!!!$$$$$$$$$$$$$



One of the many stresses that come along with college is money. The cost of college over four years usually amounts to over $100,000. It is not normal to be able to afford a college education. But it seems that each year tuitions are only increasing. This is why it is vital that students apply early, and often for as many scholarships as possible. Don’t think just because you aren’t the smartest student in your class that you have no chance of getting a scholarship.

There is money out there for all types of things, some including: academics, athletics, community service, minorities, gender, religion, and different types of hobbies, there are scholarships for almost anything. On Naviance there is a scholarship category where you can find all types of scholarships, how much money is awarded, and when the applications are due. There is even a survey you can fill out that will ask a series of questions and give a list of scholarships that best fit you based on your answers. Ask your counselor for recommendations on which scholarships are right for you. Although it can be stressful and tedious, it is essential to apply for as many scholarships as you can. Don’t just go for the big ones either, as those will be more competitive. Apply for multiple smaller scholarships and you might just find yourself saving a massive amount of money.

According to the average student debt for a 2014 grad amounted to $33,000. Nobody wants to spend decades of their life paying back student loans. SO APPLY, AND APPLY NOW, before it’s too late. And remember, you can’t win the lottery if you don’t buy a ticket! Get started on those applications!