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Tuscarora Football Athletes Talk On Win Against TJ

Titan Times

Davin Cruz, Jonah Coleman, Jack Urshal, Chris Carlini and Kenwon Addison, are all players for Tuscarora High School. These players had an amazing performance against Thomas Jefferson High School beating them 22-7.

Cruz had a good game himself but he gave credit to everyone on the team, not just himself.

When I asked him how he felt about his performance he talked about the whole team, not just his performance.“Overall it was a great game. We had the rhythm down, making big plays and it felt like they couldn’t stop us.”

Cruz liked the atmosphere there. He said how it was crazy there, even with not that many people in the stands. “I was just trying to keep my boys hype being all loud.”

Cruz didn’t let the hate of people saying they would lose get to his head; he knew what he and his team were going out there to do and kept a positive mindset.

The chemistry is all good with the team; everyone has some bad practices, but Cruz mentioned they all clicked in on Thursday to have a good game on Friday.

Cruz speaks on the improvements from last year when they played TJ to now, and he speaks to the turns overs and how they made the big plays they needed to do last year.

Cruz does expect to win more games this season against Fred and Oakdale he has faith.

Addison’s performance in this game was amazing. He gave credit to himself but also to his team. “I played the best I could and I feel like me playing well helped the team play well, we were all doing our jobs and played as a team and this sport is a team sport you can’t win without teamwork.”

When they were winning, Addison felt like this is what they needed. This is a feeling they needed in the season.

Similar to Cruz, he said the atmosphere was crazy and hype. “It felt good to get a win for the fans.”

When I asked him how he felt about people saying they would lose. “I wanted them to make them regret making us the underdogs.” He liked the chemistry with the team and he mentions that they had a prayer and bowed their heads down as brothers. He also thought they would win this game because he goes to every game having the mindset that they will win.

When he compared the games from last year to now he says that the team plays more as a team now and bonds more.

His mindset was a winning mindset that he has to win and will win. He expects to win all the games coming up. “If we don’t beat Fred or Oakdale we got a shot at playoffs.”

Jack, QB1, said he had a great game and performed the best he could. He felt confident when they were winning. “When we got the first touchdown I knew that we would win this game.”

“My mindset going into the game was just to kick a** and make sure we win.” Jack was confident going into the game and while playing.

Jack agreed with his other teammate that they are going to win more games this season and improve as much as he himself can and as the team can. Jack has faith they will win the rest of the games they got coming up.

Next up: Chris Carlini.

Carlini said he had a good performance. “I had some mistakes there and there but I still gave it my all and flipped it around and overall performance was good.”

“The atmosphere was crazy it was hype when we were winning and there wasn’t that many students but it’s okay we still gave it our all.” Carlini had a good mindset going into this game, just win was on his mind prove everyone that said they would lose wrong.

He also did not let anyone saying they would lose get to his head he went out there and played his best. This is what he had to say for after the game: “After the game was hype we got on Instagram live and blasted music.”

Last but not least: Jonah Coleman, big man on the line.

Jonah felt good about his performance, especially after going into the game with a winning mindset and knowing they had to win. “We all played the very best game we had all season, a very hard fought game and probably the most fun game I’ve played.”

Coleman didn’t care for the doubt of the player, and he knew TJ was a rival school and knew they were going to win.

When they were winning, and at the end of the game when they won, he said he had an amazing feeling. “It was so nice getting a win my senior year and honestly an amazing feeling and a euphoric moment.”


All of these players said they would win their next games, so give all your support to them.

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