How the Seniors Feel About Leaving

How the Seniors Feel About Leaving

Ashlyn Hurley, Writer



The seniors only have a handful of days left in high school, and they all feel different ways about leaving. Some are excited to be out of school, but some may miss the friends they made along the way as they all go off to start the next phase of their young lives. They’ve made many memories during the 2016 school year, from applying to colleges to prom, and now they have to say their goodbye’s.

Sad, nostalgic, and bittersweet are all words senior Annalise Orton used to describe how she feels about leaving.

Blair Willis said, “I’m really excited to leave high school and start a new chapter in my life, but it’s also sad because all of the fun is over. It’s a bittersweet feeling, and I’m going to miss some people but I’m really excited to see what’s in store for everyone.”

Athena Panton is more excited than upset about leaving, but she was still upset about one thing, “Now I have to apply myself for the rest of my life.” After nodding her head in agreement, Hannah Grove followed up with “I’m excited to leave but high school was easy and we’re not going to have that again. At least that’s what they keep telling us, we’ll find out soon enough.”

We hope that the class of 2016 makes it far in life, and the junior class is going to have a hard time living up to the standards the current class has set. But we’re going to try our hardest to have the same amount of ambition and courage the current senior class has shown us in the last year. We hope you walk out of Tuscarora’s doors as confident as you were when you walked in here the first day of senior year, and good luck with the rest of your endeavors!