OCEARCH Shark Tracking


Genna Lambert, Writer

OCEARCH is a recognized global leader in generating scientific data related to the tracking and biological studies of keystone marine species such as sharks. OCEARCH also works towards conserving the populations of shark species around the world, as well as towards educating the public on sharks. The data collected through this project is generated through OCEARCH’s Global Shark Tracker, this allows all people to be able to access the collected data. This project brings together world class fishermen and scientists who conduct studies on the sharks for 15 minutes after they are caught, they perform around 12 tests, then the sharks are tagged and released back into the ocean. The tag allows OCEARCH to track the sharks and everywhere that they go. OCEARCH is currently tracking close to 150 sharks, a “ping” is generated when the dorsal fin of the shark, which contains the tracker, breaks the surface of the water and transmits a signal to an overhead satellite which then sends back an estimated geo-location of the shark. Some sharks will ping every 24 hours, others may go days, even weeks without a ping, but sometimes the sharks tracker will fall off so they will no longer ping. OCEARCH also has an app available on the app store which allows you to track your favorite shark anytime you want!

Find out more information here: OCEARSCH.COM