Women’s March on Washington


Mia Egerman

The Women’s March is being held in Washington D.C. the day after President elect, Donald Trump’s inauguration. It will start at 10:00 am, this weekend, on January 21 and begin at the intersection of Independence Avenue and Third Street SW, near the Capitol. The national committee is expecting more than 200,000 people to gather for justice and join in solidarity. Their motives are to protect our diverse culture with numbers. People of all statuses will be stood for in great masses;  “Muslims and those of diverse religious faiths, people who identify as LGBTQIA, Native people, Black and Brown people, people with disabilities, survivors of sexual assault.” The committee believes that once we begin defending those who are unrecognized by people in power, our communities will be able to come together and take a stand for true equity for all.

However it takes more than collective anger to put a protest together. The march organizers must first get a permit from the National Park Service to ensure the safety of all protesters. It takes time and money to make an event like this happen, so it’s crucial to partner with organizations like “#VOTEPROCHOICE”, “Human Rights Watch”, “National Women’s Liberation” and more. Washington isn’t the only place you can find a march, though. Sister Marches are being organized by volunteers all around the world, to spread the same message as the Women’s March on Washington. Even if you can’t get to one of the 616+ march locations, the website gives the choice to host your own event! Visit https://www.womensmarch.com/ or https://actionnetwork.org/events/429f582af63ee5b15c2ff90955be8978c539a4e2/edit for more info.