Culinary Corner: Chuck Eye Steaks and collard greens

Culinary Corner: Chuck Eye Steaks and collard greens

Chuck Eye Steaks: The lesser known gem on the griller’s menu


Chuck eye steaks, for those who don’t know, are a lesser known cut of beef that usually winds up ground into hamburger meat. But, if you’re like me and you enjoy a good steak but don’t have unlimited funds, chuck eye steaks are a tasty, tender alternative to the more expensive cuts; most of the time, chuck eyes will come in around $6.50/pound which is a really great price for good steaks.

Now, the caveat is that chuck-eyes are not commonly stocked on supermarket shelves. To procure your chuck-eye cuts, you’ll need to seek out a local butcher and call in advance to find out if chuck eyes are available. They are usually most prevalent when the butchers are trimming roasts. The benefit to buying local is that most of the meats are locally sourced, fresh and you are supporting many local businesses which is just good karma.

As to the preparation it is the same for any other steak. Many of us have our own preferred methods and I am no different. I only grill on charcoal so my first step is to start the coals with a chimney starter. From there, I allow the coals to get as hot as possible. Steaks work best with ‘high and dry’ heat. I prepare the steaks with a simple salt and pepper rub and I rub them down with olive oil to prevent sticking. On the subject of salting the steaks, try to wait until about 2-4 minutes before cooking, salting your cuts too early will lead to a dryer steak.




I like my steaks rare but I also understand that many folks prefer medium-rare. For a medium rare steak, you’ll need about 3 ½ minutes per side (depending on the thickness). Always allow your beef to rest for about ten minutes before serving.

Now for the collard greens: the recipe is about as simple as recipes get:

1 Bag of collard greens

4-6 pieces of smoked pork jowls

1 teaspoon of sugar

1 tablespoon of vinegar

Combine all ingredients into a stock pot with two cups of water in the bottom. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low and simmer for a minimum of one hour. When the thick stalks of the plant are tender drain in a colander, remove the pieces of pork jowl, and serve.
