Mrs. Jorgensen’s Class Makes Rube Goldberg Machines


Ethan Samet, Editor

As one of their last projects of the year Ms. Jorgensen’s Foundations of Technology class is creating Rube Goldberg inspired contraptions to help them pop a balloon. Ms. J’s students are using everything from pieces of cardboard to gears and string in order to get their balloons to pop. One group is even using a blow drier and a make shift boat on a Tupperware lake of water to propel a tack into their balloon in order to get it to pop.

Every year this project is done with the FOT students to help them to understand the engineering process better by letting them visualize it, all the while letting them flex their creative muscles.

Starting their projects last Friday and only having a couple days since then to work on them the students in Ms. Jorgensen’s class have proven that they can make some amazing contraptions in a relatively short amount of time. Hopefully as they progress through high school these students can use what they’ve learned about problem solving skills and how to over come problems in their designs to always push forward and past the dilemmas they face in school and in everyday life.