Here in Frederick County we have a college called Frederick Community College. In 1957, FCC was founded with just 77 students enrolled and now over 16,000 register each year. At Tuscarora High School and at a few other high schools in the Frederick County area, FCC courses are available to take through dual enrollment classes hosted either at students’ high schools or on campus.
At FCC their most popular majors are Liberal Arts and Humanities, Business, Social Science Research Methods, Lab Technician, Nursing, Computer and Information Systems Security, Management Science and Information Systems, Elementary Education, Accounting Technician and Bookkeeping, and Medical Assistant. Those aren’t their only majors but they are their most popular. FCC has eight buildings, their biggest building holds five halls for different types of classes. FCC also has many sports to offer such as men’s baseball, basketball, golf, soccer, women’s basketball, volleyball, softball and soccer. FCC is best known for their Men’s and Women’s soccer team. Currently 2,756 students are enrolled in FCC and 30 percent of their students are full term. FCC is known for helping give students another chance. They do not have dorms or anything of that kind.