A Christmas Controversy

Alyssa Husband and Nathan Neubauer, Contributor

      Christmas is a favorite time of year for most. Everything from giving gifts, to singing carols, to being in the Christmas spirit. However, there is one part of the Christmas preparation festivities that brings controversy. This controversy is… when is it appropriate for stores to sell and for people to display their Christmas decorations? The answer is straightforward; once Thanksgiving is over and Christmas is less than thirty days away.

      It is quite silly for people to put out their Christmas decorations before the fall holidays have concluded. Stores, such as Walmart and Sam’s Club, have already begun selling their Christmas decor in September. This disregards the appeal for the fall holidays of Halloween and Thanksgiving, favorites of many people around the world. This also does not allow people to settle down and spend precious time with those they love most. By hopping right into the Christmas season right at the onset of fall, people lose the experience and sentiment of the beloved, spooky season. Mr. Zitrick, a teacher at Tuscarora said, “When I was little, my mother always put up the tree in late December. I carry that tradition on now. Not as late as my mother did, however, I still like putting my decorations up in December because I feel if I put them up any sooner, I’m skipping Thanksgiving. A holiday I love.”

      By putting Christmas decorations out before Thanksgiving, people ruin the sentiment of the fall holidays. Addison Smith (10) said, “I love the Christmas season, but you don’t want to drag it out super long. I like to embrace the fall season.” Putting up Christmas decorations is a beloved family tradition for many, however, there is a correct time to put up Christmas decorations and that time is post-thanksgiving.