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The student news site of Tuscarora High School

The student news site of Tuscarora High School

Titan Times

The student news site of Tuscarora High School

Titan Times

Partnership for a Healthier America
School Stress
Addison Selby, Creative Writing Submission • June 7, 2024

I can’t even begin to describe how largely school has impacted my life. The place where my dreams are put to the test I’m forced to carry the heavy burden of stress Countless...

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The Pledge
June 7, 2024
When I Was a Kid
June 7, 2024



As Irora stepped into the hallways of her new school the scent of freshly sharpened pencils and the hum of chatter filled her senses. She had transferred from Japan to Korea due to her parents getting a new job. The unfamiliar faces and bustling crowds made her feel like a tiny fish in a vast ocean.

The neon lights of the fluorescent tubes overhead seemed to buzz in sync with her racing heart. The walls, covered with colorful posters and motivational quotes seemed to stretch on forever, making her feel small and overwhelmed. Her long black hair swept down her back like a curtain of silk, the bangs above her eyebrows adding a mysterious touch to her beauty.


She moved with a grace that caught the eye of many students around her, and her resemblance to the clever and cute Squirtle made her more intriguing. As she made her way to her classroom she couldn’t help but notice the rows of neatly organized desks, and the large windows letting in a warm stream of sunlight that danced across the room. She is suddenly reminded of her old school with all the friends and memories she left behind, wondering if she would make any here. 


Wonhi, a student well known for her doll-like face and long, silky black hair that shimmered like midnight, was walking to her class on that beautiful sunny day. Wonhi displayed elegance in every step she took, her presence commanding attention wherever she went. When the two girls ended up in the same class, it seemed like fate had brought them together. 


As Wonhi walked by a secluded area of the school later that day, the sun bathed everything in a golden light, casting long shadows across the ground. The peaceful atmosphere was broken by a commotion nearby. Wonhi’s sharp eyes caught sight of Irora, surrounded by a group of upperclassmen who were taunting her, calling her names, and blocking her path.

The upperclassmen were bullying Irora for no valid reason. As Irora was new to the school, these upperclassmen had nothing better to do and knew Irora wouldn’t have any friends, with no one to stand up for her either. At least, that’s what they thought. Without a moment’s hesitation, Wonhi stepped forward, her phone held high to capture the scene unfolding before her. “Stop this nonsense,” Wonhi commanded, her voice as soft as a summer breeze but with an edge that left no room for argument. “Leave her be, or I will show this to the administrators.”


The upperclassmen, realizing they were no match for Wonhi’s determination, and not wanting to anger a well liked girl, scampered away like shadows fleeing from a light. As the sun shone directly into Irora’s face, making her squint against the bright light, Wonhi approached her with a gentle smile. 

“I’m Wonhi,” she said, her voice soft. “Are you okay?”

Irora hesitated for a moment, her heart still racing from the confrontation with the bullies. But something in Wonhi’s eyes, the warmth of her smile, made her feel a sense of comfort she hadn’t experienced in a long time. 

“I’m Irora,” she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. “Thank you for helping me.”

Irora hesitated for a moment, surprised by Wonhi’s kindness and courage. But then she took her hand, feeling a warm connection forming between them. In that moment, with the sun casting a halo over Wonhi’s head, she looked like an angel sent to rescue her. From that moment on, Irora and Wonhi became inseparable.

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