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The student news site of Tuscarora High School

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The student news site of Tuscarora High School

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New Year’s Resolutions Of Some Sophomores at Tuscarora

New Years Resolutions Of Some Sophomores at Tuscarora

New Years! The celebration of one year to the next. The celebration of change that people either hate or enjoy. A well and widely known tradition is to make resolutions. 


     A resolution is a firmly stand on decision to do or not to do something. Whether that thing is to dye your hair, make amends, or maybe just start fresh. Though, do we really know people’s true desires for themselves?  What do they wish to improve or maybe even get rid of?

Image from FCPS


     Here at Tuscarora High, 10th grade students from World Literature class were asked about their new years wishes and resolutions. Now’s the time to get a look inside on how to better yourself or maybe even others. 


    Exercise is an important part of one’s life and two students seem to agree. Sophomore Hunter Aulls stated for his resolution: “I want to work out and train five days a week.” Brendan Lee’s similar statement, “I want to lift heavy weights,” also shows a shared interest in working out.


    Lily Duong’s New Year’s resolutions show the importance of loving yourself and valuing the time you have.  Her resolution is: “To focus on myself and my happiness, enjoy life for the time I have left in high school, improve in college soccer and look/speak to coaches.”


    Student Gaby Ramos is interested in her spiritual path and where it will take her in life. She wants to “take more time on my relationship with God.”


     While many people are mostly focused on inner aspects of their lives, others are working hard and wishing on their career paths for the future. Christopher Valle wishes to “Get a job,” and others have similar goals such as Parsa Jarrahi and Brodie Burdette’s dream to “make more money.” 


There are many ways we can enter the new year and many ways coming to end it. While reading this article you’ve maybe taken into consideration the hard work it takes to discipline yourself for upcoming challenges. Or maybe you’ve even thought of a few new resolutions for yourself.

Happy New Year, Tuscarora.

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