Should more guys take part in color guard?
February 5, 2018
Did you know that last marching band season, we had the most number of male color guard members in our school’s history? Can you guess the number? No, not 9. No, not 5. We had 2 out of the 12 color guard members that were male. That can be considered a bit of an improvement but wouldn’t it be great to have more male color guard members, along with more female members? I interviewed the two guys from the last marching band season, Jesse Duesing and Austin Stebbing, to get their thoughts on the subject.
What has your color guard experience been like?
Jesse: “My color guard experience has been stressful, emotional, but overall enjoyable.”
Austin: “My experience has been wonderful. I’ve made many friends, gained more discipline, and have become a better person.”
Why do you think not many guys participate in color guard at our school?
Jesse: “I think so because the activity is stigmatizes as an activity for girls more than guys. Also most people who have promoted involvement in color guard has reached out more for females.”
Austin: “I believe there is a stereotype. Since most guys that take part in the activity are gay or are seen as gay, most don’t want to take part and have that image of themselves by their peers.”
Do you agree that students differentiate certain sports as more feminine or masculine?
Jesse: “Yes because more girls appear to participate in certain activities, while more guys participate in others.”
Austin: “Yes, especially in activities like gymnastics, basketball, cheer, soccer, etc.”
Coming from a person that has been involved in color guard for four years, I can gladly say that this activity is very fun, yet challenging. In a society that differentiates certain activities as more feminine or masculine, it would be amazing to have more male members.
Jason • Dec 13, 2019 at 1:31 pm
AGREED!!!!!This is coming from a guy in color guard.
Carter • Oct 30, 2019 at 1:20 pm