It’s that Time of Year Again!

Reid Dugan, Senior Editor

Prom is just around the corner and it is time to find that special someone to spend a night to remember with. Bring a long your significant other, best friend, or just go solo! The night will be filled with formal attire, pictures to last forever, and memories to laugh about later. But, you have to get moving because prom is almost a month away! April 28th will come sooner than you think and we want to help you prepare! If you are looking for some ideas on how to ask that special someone to prom, look below!

  • Bring them their favorite food (Pizza!)
  • Give them flowers and a sentimental note
  • Recruit friends to help hold signs to make it more dramatic
  • Concert tickets to their favorite Artist
  • Put Sticky Notes on their Car
  • Use balloons or stuffed animals
  • Involve their favorite hobbies or sports, for example:
    • “I’m just gonna throw a curveball and ask you to Prom?”
    • “Let’s kick it at prom?”
    • “Put away your running shoes, and put on your dancing shoes! Prom?”
    • “Let’s tackle Prom together!”


Remember, you do not need a prom date to go! Riding solo and looking your best will be just as fun. Find a dress, or a tux, get your hair and nails done and find a nice group of friends to party with. Prom is the last hurrah before the seniors are graduated and on the road to better things, so don’t miss out! Save the date, April 28th, and get ready for the Mardi Gras themed party of the year!