To begin, the majority of people get confused between the definitions of ‘Race’, ‘Nationality’, and ‘Ethnicity’.The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines these as
Tuscarora High School is the third most diverse high school in Frederick County. We are filled with different nationalities, races, ethnicities. Although we might not believe in the same things or come from the same background, we create our experiences at Tuscarora High School. Out of the 1,717 students within our school walls, we are filled with many different ethnicities and nationalities. Tuscarora is made up of 0.2% Pacific Islanders, 0.4% Native Americans, 5.9% Multicultural, 6.9% Asian, 24.2% African American, 26.8% Hispanic, and 35.6% Caucasian. Each of these ethnicities bring different cultural backgrounds into our school. Since our high school is quite diverse, how are we impacted by diversity in school, how does diversity affect individuals within the school, to what extent can diversity become negative? Various articles have been written about how diversity can benefit a student’s education by allowing students to see many different perspectives, and this can lead to those students understanding materials better. However, some articles have illustrated that too much diversity within schools can become rather negative by having some students distrust others because they come from different backgrounds. These questions have me wondering what others in our school think about diversity; therefore, I went around asking some students these questions. To make sure I have an accurate response, I asked students from different grades and different ethnic groups. The first student I interviewed was Daniel Delgadillo, a senior at Tuscarora High School. Delgadillo is Venezuelan and Chilean, but he was born in Ciudad Bolivar (Bolivar City). Daniel will celebrate his ethnicity through traditional foods, music, and celebrations. Daniel believes, “it is important for us to have a diverse school, because it encourages people to express themselves and not feel left out due to their cultures.” I asked Daniel if too much diversity within schools could become rather negative and why. Daniel went on to explain how he is a firm believer against thinking that diversity can ever be negative, and he stated that, “It encourages people to express themselves and not feel left out due to their cultures.” In the end, Daniel says that, “Going to school at THS allows me to get different perspectives about others’ home countries and ethnicities. This allows me to expand my knowledge on those countries.” ![]() The second student I interviewed was a sophomore at THS, Katie Buchanan. Katie’s ethnicity is German and Italian and she was born in the US. Buchanan told me she celebrates her nationality and ethnicity through going to church and following traditions her family has passed down. Buchanan went on to say that, “I do think diversity in a school is definitely a good thing because it allows for students to be constantly exposed to other cultures and ethnicities.” Katie explained that too much diversity in a school environment can’t have a negative impact. Buchanan explained it to me by saying “The more people, the more exposure.” Additionally, I asked Buchanan if diversity within schools could become rather negative and why? She went on to say, “Diversity in a school is definitely a good thing because it allows for students to be constantly exposed to other cultures and ethnicities.” However, throughout her school day the diversity within Tuscarora doesn’t affect her the same way it might affect others. Buchanan experiences diversity through class curriculums and learning about her peers. The third student I interviewed was Jasiri Belote, 11th. Belote is an African American Israelite. He celebrates his ethnicity through religious practices and celebrations, traditional foods and music. Belote explained, “diversity is good in schools because it allows people to see how other cultures are similar and allows for unity.” Furthermore, Belote explained that too much diversity can never be a bad thing because the world is filled with a lot of different people, and the more you learn about each culture the ignorant you become. Likewise to other students questioned, Beltoe experiences diversity within THS in a positive way, “letting me learn about others and makes life not as uncountable because I’m in classes with others like me.” Finally, the last student I interviewed was Sheira Sangluai, 11th grade. Sangluai’s ethnicity is Chin, one of the 8 ethnic groups from Burma or Myannar, but she was born in America. Sheirah went on to share that she celebrates her ethnicity by going to events related to her church which is Burmese. Sangluai has attended other events such as Chin National Day in D.C on Feb. 20 to celebrate our culture with foods and dances. Sheira believes, “diversity is a good thing in schools as it gives a sense of community to people of the same groups and opportunity to learn about others. In addition, Sangluai stated that, “I don’t really see the negatives in too much diversity because having too little can cause someone to feel isolated from other students. Then when they are with people of their own ethnic community, they could be seen as “whitewashed” or as someone who rejects their culture.” Furthermore, she experiences the effects of diversity within THS by allowing her to experience other cultures from her peers but also allowing Sangluai to have a community of her own. Finally, students are not the only people who would experience effects of diversity within schools. Staff members are affected by diversity everyday as they could teach and observe students. The final person I interviewed is one of our valued teachers Mrs. Meredith Nickles. Nickles notices diversity within THS every single day. When I asked her “Is diversity in schools a good thing? She answered “we learn things from each other rather than being lectured about it; we find ways to communicate.” I asked Mrs. Nickles a different set of questions. I first asked her if she thinks diversity within a school is a good thing, and she stated that, “Absolutely. It offers students the ability to learn outside themselves and step outside their comfort zones.” Additionally, she went on to say that there is never too much diversity within schools because, “It forces us to work together to solve issues. It teaches real world skills.” Once I asked everyone questions on their ethnicity and how THS’s diversity affects them, I came to the conclusion that each and every single student is affected by diversity within schools. It helps us learn and become more self aware. We have the opportunity to share experiences and learn to understand others around us better. Therefore, there are no limits to “too much diversity.” THS is proud of our diversity and how we have students representing many different ethnicities, but we must make sure we are using our diversity at THS as a gift and learn from it. |