Key Club, run by advisor Rita White, an English and Journalism teacher at Tuscarora High School, is supporting the ELC Backpack Ministry in Downtown Frederick by running a food drive for the month of November. The food drive will start on Nov. 11 and end on Nov. 25, allowing a couple weeks for students to bring in non-perishable items to donate before Thanksgiving break.
The ELC Backpack Ministry works on providing food for underprivileged families all throughout the year. In order to get more donations along with more people involved in their cause, the ELC Backpack Ministry often collaborates with Key Clubs in Frederick County to get schools and students involved.
Each class will have a brown paper bag for students to place their donations in for their first block class. Students must bring in non-perishable foods in order for their donations to be accepted, foods such as: canned chicken, canned tuna, canned vegetables, soups, peanut butter, canned/boxed entrees, applesauce, pudding cups and more. At the end of the drive, Key Club members will organize the foods by groups before donating to the ELC Backpack Ministry just before Thanksgiving.
The Key Club advisor stated, “The Food Drive is my favorite event we run in Key Club, because it is the essence of service. It allows members the chance to serve in their community, and to do so in the spirit of gratitude during the Thanksgiving season. Everyone really comes together in a special way.” Any amount of food will be greatly appreciated and will bring the Key Club closer to their goal, so if you’re able to, help your community out and be sure to donate to the food drive.