We are almost done with the first semester of school! This year we dealt with a new FLEX schedule. Last year, and for years prior, we would have FLEX everyday before the lunch shifts and third block for 45 min. However, since students would abuse that time by walking around never going where they need to so it was decided we changed the FLEX schedule. Now we have FLEX every Wednesday for 45 min during each class period. Now the big question is asked: does everyone like the new schedule? When questioned, sophomore Anoushka Ramcharan said, “I like it, it’s way easier to make up for work and makes me feel less stressed about not finishing my work in class.”
Other students disagree with this year’s new FLEX schedule such as Senior Daniela Aguilar said, “I believe that the old flex schedule worked better because there was more time with independent learning that helped.” Similarly, Sophomore Alyssa Kimmel says, “I don’t like it, it’s weird. I liked having free time each day to help relax. I feel like more students are roaming the halls now because we don’t have flex.” With both points of view it’s safe to say having flex each day was a good time of the day to either do work or take a break. The new schedule is strictly for doing work. Students are now in the halls more because they don’t get their break.
Image from https://tuscaroraathletics.com/