Tuscarora High 2021 Fall Photography Competition

Droplets of Life by Emily Fitzgerald

Each semester in Mr. Hartman’s Digital Photography classes, students participate in a competition between all of the current photography classes. Each student is allowed to upload three of their best pieces to an online judging site. Once the students complete this process, judges will then go in and rank the pieces from one to five stars. The highest ranked pieces are then featured in a virtual show, and also in the media center as printed and framed photographs.

Students taking a gallery walk through the media center to appreciate the new photography.


The judges are former students of Mr. Hartman’s who are either in college for photography, or who have become working professionals themselves. This particular show was curated by five judges all of whom graduated from THS, except for one judge who was a Cadet (Mr. Hartman taught photography at FHS before THS opened). Additionally, our own Mr. Berry also donated his time to help rank the pieces in a gracious show of support for our young photographers here at Tuscarora.


All the students featured in the show are winners of the competition, but we had one image that was ranked above all the others resulting in the Best in Show award going to senior Emily Fitzgerald for her piece titled “Droplets of Life” which is also the featured image for this article. The pieces that won are featured in both the Media Center as printed, framed pieces, and also in our Virtual Gallery. So, whether you choose to visit the Virtual Gallery space or the actual show in our Media Center, or both, please consider taking a moment to check out the amazing pieces by these talented young photographers.

The link to the show is below: (Note: the virtual gallery doesn’t work on FCPS devices but works fine on personal computers and cell phones)

THS Fall Photography Competition