Student of the Week: Odhin Batten


Lydia Kowalski, Freelance Contributor

Odhin Batten, a freshman, is Student of the Week thanks to Dr. Beck’s (math teacher) nomination. “Odhin works so hard to finish his work and asks questions if he needs help.  This hard work has paid off all term with high scores on quizzes and tests, including 100% on a challenging quiz last Friday.”  Odhin keeps in mind his long-term goal of attending college to keep himself motivated in math and other classes. He always believes in staying on top of the work so he doesn’t fall behind in his classes.  Odhin is considering studying history or writing when he does attend college. In addition to school, Odhin has been a Boy Scout for about nine years. He enjoys the friends he has made through the organization, the skills they learn, and the leadership opportunities it gives him. In addition to Boy Scouts, Odhin enjoys playing piano, playing guitar, and listening to music to combat stress.  He also writes realistic fiction to decompress. Odhin views his grandma as a mentor who gives him great advice and who he considers as his best role model.