Sports Spotlight: Midnight Madness!!!

Steven Asare, Sports Writer

Basketball season is just about here and the Titans are ready to start there year off right. The Titans held a “Midnight Madness” event to introduce the players to the fans. This event was held November 28th and was the Titans first annual “Midnight Madness” event. The event held a Junior Varsity vs Varsity Scrimmage for both teams , a three point contest, a free throw contest and a performance by the Cheer team. The girls scrimmage was very interesting, especially when some of the Girls Basketball coaches checked themselves into the game and one of the coaches managed to get one point from a free-throw.

The Boys basketball game had some pretty cool moments, the team had a game that wasn’t meant to be too strict so the players knocked down numerous shots from range and attempted slam dunks, some stuff they wouldn’t normally be able to showcase in a regular game. With a lot of new faces on the team this really gave them a chance to make a name for themselves and show who they were. 

I think the moment of the night was when the final three point contest went they chose a fan to participate against the two finalist. It was a little fan named James Miller, he knocked down 7 shots putting the crowd in a uproar and winning the contest.

The Titans first game is December 6th against River Hill High. Be There and be loud in support of your Titans.