Titans- In Their Own Words: Advice for Incoming Juniors

June 13, 2018
The 2017-2018 school year is coming to a close, and with that, the next year is coming quickly. Summer’s the time to lay back and relax, stress-free from school for a couple months. That is, until the next year comes around. The stress will settle in and it’s back to work for the students, especially for the Juniors of next year. Of all the grade levels, Junior year has said to be “the most stressful year of high school”. And it’s true; Colleges start to target Juniors (If they haven’t already), exams to determine their future will come up during the year, they’re finally of age to acquire jobs, and they’re beginning to take their first steps into the “real world”. Though the next year will be stressful for them, everything will turn out right in the end.
I have talked to some of this year’s Juniors myself, and asked them to give some advice for those incoming Juniors.
“Plan ahead- stay on top of you work, but don’t be afraid to go outside of your comfort zone.” -Amy Cajigas
“Don’t stress too much, and make sure to make the most of clubs and friend activities.” -Madison Starcher
“Never regret you mistakes- learn from them.” -Christopher McCray
“Realize that you are as cool as you think you are, though make sure to do everything on time.” -Hannah Chaney
“Don’t allow yourself to be defined by other people.” -Ryan Bellafiore
“Don’t let your college stuff pile up, because it’s really stressful.” -Gianna Moscatelli
“Always see the light at the end of the tunnel, manage your time wisely.” Michael Harris
In other words, stress is inevitable. But you can’t let it control how your year will turn out. You can’t forget to have fun- relieve that stress for a while, though don’t let that distract you from your path to your future. Good luck Titans!