Avengers: Infinity War [Warning Major Spoilers]


Ethan Samet, Editor


Marvel’s box office breaking Avengers: Infinity War has started off to a great week thanks to its star-studded cast, stunning visuals, and compelling and engaging plot. The Russo brothers, who have also directed spectacular movies such as both Captain America: The Winter Soldier as well as Civil War provided their viewers with a variety of heros to root for as well as an interestingly conceived and incredibly formidable villain for them to go up against . While the movie was a little bit lengthy it was able to keep viewers entertained with all the different actor’s various stories from the previous 18 Marvel movies finally meshing together in a cohesive story.  

The movie starts where Thor: Ragnarok left off with the survivors of Asgard coming under attack from Thanos and his lackeys who had already gone to Xandar from the Guardians of the Galaxy to retrieve the purple power stone. Upon beating Thor, Loki, Heimdall, and Hulk, Thanos took the blue space stone from Loki while Heimdall used the last of his strength to teleport The Hulk away to earth. Thanos then proceeded to blow up the asgardian ship after killing Loki and Heimdall while leaving Thor to die in the blast. Thanos then sent two of his lackies to earth to retrieve the green time stone from Doctor Strange while he went to retrieve the red reality stone from the Collector. On Earth after the hulk crash landed into Doctor Strange’s abode, He, Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Wong, and Spider Man fought against Thanos’ lackies to protect the time stone. Cut to about half way through the movie and Thanos has sacrificed his daughter, Gamora for the soul gem and is only one stone (vision’s yellow mind stone) away from a full gauntlet. Upon teleporting down to wakanda to retrieve vision’s stone Thanos’ lackies are one by one killed off. Though this did not stop Thanos’ plan and upon finally retrieving the last stone. Thanos was able to snap his fingers and obliterate half of all the life in the universe.

In looking back on the movie it was an absolutely fantastic film. With special effects, both practical and CGI that will stand the test of time along with heroes who where easy to root for but each with their own passions, desires, and drives. Thanos was quite possibly one of the greatest villains to grace the big screen in the modern time. Motivated by the thought of saving the universe from itself and the problems of a lack of resources or overpopulation Thanos sought to rid the universe of half it’s beings. Giving his character an understandable and somewhat reasonable motivation in conjunction with simply his size and dominance over the other characters on screen which always made him an intimidating presence, made him a spectacular villain. While the movie was a little bit long with some dialog instances being a bit drawn out and some of the humor distracting from the intended seriousness of some scenes, overall the movie was spectacular. Although the thought that keeps creeping into my head is if it is truly fair to judge this movie by itself as it took 18 movies prior to build it’s backstory dating back to 2008. Although that is for a different review. Avengers Infinity War is a spectacular addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and I would highly suggest anyone interested in the movie to see it.