Maddie Yocklin Wins Best in Show at Spring Photo Show
May 4, 2018
This week, Titans from Photography classes 1, 2, and AP participated in the Spring Photography Competition. It opened to the public Wednesday night, presenting a wide selection of photographs from portraits to landscapes. The competition started with 180 pictures. Digital Photography teacher, Mr. Hartman, says, “[he’s] proud of all the kids.” He thinks “it’s nice to see the student’s work displayed, contributing to a positive school culture.”Although only 37 made it to the Media Center, there’s a Fall Photo Show for the next set of aspiring photographers– and it’s right around the corner!
Tuscarora alumni, who are now professional photographers, judged the contestants photos narrowing a field of about 180 images down to the 37 that were presented. At 6pm, Maddie Yocklin’s “Take My Hand” (pictured below) received the Best in Show award. What started as a creative project for her AP concentration, is now an awarded piece mounted in the Media Center. In case you missed Wednesday’s photo show, the students’ work will be up starting this week and remain until the coming Fall.