French Club’s Escargot Tasting!
March 29, 2018
The idea of munching down on snails is not appealing to most, but for those who are adventurous eaters and don’t mind the idea, the French Club can personally recommend you try the foreign delicacy!
The club held a day for club members to try the tantalizing treat and take on their own opinions of it. It was held during FLEX and the members rolled in, interested and possibly a tad nervous to eat snails for the first time. The room echoed with the typical, calming cafe music that’s so familiar with the French culture and the scent of garlic lingered in the air. Why garlic? Well, the snails had been prepared with a garlic and butter pesto that helped to disguise the fact that they were even snails. Which for many of the members, helped to get the delicacy down.
Albeit, for those who tried the shelled snack and weren’t a fan, Madame McClain also provided baguettes with Nutella that were equally scrumptious! The combination of this French cuisine of escargot and baguettes was certainly one that has never failed to disappoint the French club’s members, both old and new. Overall, the day was made delicious with this special opportunity to step out of our food comfort zone! Something which can be a bit scary at first, but when you’re surrounded by friends that will try things with you, it makes it better.
So while snails may not be the thing for everyone, they’re worth trying and as long as you can get over the fact that you’re eating a snail, you may enjoy it quite a bit! And with the majority of French club in agreement, it’s highly recommended that you go out and try it yourself if possible!
Mrs. McClain • Apr 6, 2018 at 2:51 pm