Titans take part in nationwide student protests
March 16, 2018
Wednesday, March 14th, marked one month since the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High in Parkland, Florida. All over the country, students walked out of their classrooms at 10 a.m. to show solidarity for the victims in Parkland, Florida, as well as victims of mass shootings everywhere. The protests lasted 17 minutes, one minute for each Parkland victim. However, the protests didn’t stop on school property. Students gathered city to city, from Capitol Hill to the busy streets of Los Angeles- and beyond. The national protests will continue with the March For Our Lives in D.C. taking place on March 24th.

Awaiting the rush of Tuscarora students, Main Street was quiet and still, like the calm before the storm. With 10:00 right around the corner, a few of the organizers prepared by covering the walkway with signs of each victim’s name. Soon enough, Titans were gathered, chanting, and walking out the main doors around the front of our building and to the other parking lot. Titans moved with determination and purpose. Teachers, bordering the crowd, stayed alert to keep everyone safe.
A few Titans shared their thoughts about the walkout:
Abdullah Hasson says he feels passionate about protesting gun violence in America. “It’s important as students we come together and let our legislators know we have a voice that they need to listen to. We come here, wanting to have a safe learning environment, but with all the access to weapons, it raises the chance of someone coming to hurt us.”
Allie Majadly believes, “enough is enough!” She says, “There have been so many [school shootings] in my lifetime alone and I don’t want to see it going on when I have kids. I shouldn’t already be worrying for my own kids safety when I’m this young.”
Jack LeBlanc thinks it’s important Tuscarora students and students everywhere unite to fight for their rights, while Marissa Pycha argues the efforts shouldn’t just stop here. She says, “There’s other things we need to do to take action in our community, we can’t be finished.”

Walking back towards the entrance, the wise words of students, freshmen to seniors, carried on. One student even admitted they’ve never been more proud to be a part of this community. “This is the Tuscarora I want to see!” someone commented from the crowd. Several hundred students participated in the protests and passing cars sounded their horns in support of the student protests. Regardless of how you might feel about gun control laws, the power and passion of the next generation of Americans exercising their first amendment rights was on full display and it was a powerful sight to behold!