Titans take on the gym
February 9, 2018
As is typical in any new year, many people (including Titans) look to better themselves as part of a new year resolution. This includes hitting the gym, eating better and creating goals for the future. I asked senior Marissa Pycha what her typical plan towards bettering herself is outside of school. The little things she tends to focus on are eating non processed foods, drinking water, daily protein and vegetable intakes.
This healthy lifestyle is a full time investment. On a day to day basis, she attends Onelife Fitness and sticks to a workout plan with one rest day throughout the week. This lifestyle, she says, “gives [her] time for [herself] and allows [her] to express emotions.” Many titans have expressed interest in making a similar lifestyle change. As many things arise on the schedule, such as senior week and the idea of a summer body, more titans are looking to get in shape.
If you’re looking to begin a healthy lifestyle, there’s many options for you. Local gyms in the area range from Onelife, Planet Fitness and even private gyms all across Frederick. With any questions, you can ask Marissa and our own Physical Education teachers here at Tuscarora.
When talking with senior baseball player Calvin Vantassell, he describes that to better himself in the gym he always aims to lift more and more as weeks go by while maximizing a sweat every workout. Calvin attends Onelife Fitness, like Marissa and many other Titans. Calvin sets personal goals for himself while in the gym, but leaving his mark as a titan in the THS weight room by making the 850 pound club is especially pressing for Calvin. In hopes of making the 850 pound club Calvin hopes to bench 250, clean 250, and squat 350. Similarly to how Marissa and Calvin set goals for themselves every week, it’s not so hard to create a healthy lifestyle with the help of support from family and friends and short term goal.