National Math Honor Society Induction Ceremony

January 12, 2018
Hello, Titans!
On Thursday, January 11, several brilliant minds from Tuscarora were inducted into the THS chapter of the National Math Honor Society (NMHS). Ms. Bluman is the NMHS advisor at THS. With the program being still fairly new, participation is still growing as are the service opportunities. Last year, the group went to see “Hidden Figures” where they watched, “great mathematics unfold in real life and watch powerful women break down barriers.” Many of the NMHS inductees also help tutor other THS students who may struggle in mathematics classes. Some of you may be wondering, though, how does one get inducted? The answer: “You must be at least a junior, have an unweighted math GPA of 3.5, taken at least Algebra 2, take a math class every year of high school, be willing to tutor others in math at least one hour per term, attend monthly meetings, and have at least one teacher recommendation.” All that being said, here are some pictures of the event as well as the full list of members.
Congratulations to the newest inductees to the NMHS and thank you to Ms. Bluman and the other math teachers from bringing this exciting and prestigious organization to THS. The name of the inductees and a few snapshots of the event follow:
Name: |
George Admomako-11 |
Shayda Arbabshirani-12 |
Mariam Aslam -12 |
Alec Atwell-11 |
David Bailer-11 |
Nastasia Belova-12 |
Trish Cao-11 |
Vincent Catania -12 |
Jacqueline Clune-11 |
Joshua Crocker-11 |
Cierra Curtis-12 |
Aboubacar d’Almeida-12 |
Michael T. Farrell Jr.-11 |
Emily Frocke -12 |
Jessica Giron-11 |
Quinlin Gray-12 |
Kathleen Halley-12 |
Cloe Hartley-12 |
Michael Heister-11 |
Andie R. Hoffrichter-12 |
Olivia Hogan-12 |
Maggie Jester-12 |
Eileen Jeon-11 |
Ali S. Khan-12 |
Zac Lizambri-12 |
Maria Lopez-11 |
Emily Lutz-11 |
Matthew Lyan-12 |
Allie Majadly-11 |
Andrea Monninger-11 |
Cheyenne Montgomery-12 |
Sai Pingali-12 |
Marissa Pycha-12 |
Sarah Ramcharan-11 |
Juliette Rearick-12 |
Edwin John Royales-11 |
Ethan Michael MacLaren Samet-11 |
Ann Jeanette Santos-12 |
Kyle Fox Shreve-12 |
Liam Silvera-12 |
Emma St. Croix-11 |
Kayla Ta-11 |
Jake Tognetti-11 |
Nathan Usher-11 |
Tom Xie -12 |