Finding a Middle Ground

Finding a Middle Ground

Jesse Duensing, Editor

Hello, Titans!


We’re back again this week with a review. While not a conventional review of a movie or restaurant, it is a review of a Youtube series that goes by the name of Middle Ground. While still young in its time with only four episodes, it presents a message to any and all who watch it. Middle Ground is a series that brings people together who hold vastly different beliefs about various controversial topics – pro-life or pro-choice; Liberal or Conservative, just to name a few.


The goal of this series is to show that people can talk things out and find a middle ground where they can be civil toward each other. With all of the swirling, conflicting views in our society today, people often just resort to hostility before talking it out. As one of the participants in one of the episodes put it, “there is a lot of emotion tied to these topics.” Which is 100% true. Whether you have been raised a certain way and then altered your beliefs based on your experiences or you were just raised into beliefs, there is emotion tied to them that can get in the way of us talking things out. Emotion fuels how we act and how we react and respond to things. It can be hard for us to set aside our emotions and go in with a level head, but it benefits all involved.


One question that was broached during an episode was, “I think people of the opposite party are misinformed or don’t know better.” While this question applied, at the time, to the discussion of Liberals and Conservatives and the stereotypes of each, this question could be applied to any debate on a topic. The members came from their respective sides and they found a middle ground via talking it out and learning what the other person had to say about the question presented.


Talking out topics like this can be scary. They can end in even higher tensions, ending of close relationships, of any sort, or they can bring people together, much like Middle Ground is proving to do. Even though this series is fairly young, it still proves a very good point about how we are able to talk things out and find a middle ground in these trying times.