The Season for Volunteering

December 7, 2017
It’s the time for giving, Titans! Throughout the snowy season, people always seem eager to be of help to their community- spending time at the soup kitchen, using their weekends to visit the animal shelter rather than the movies, or giving the money they’d spend on some candy to charity. With many great causes and purposes, more opportunities seem to pop up around this time offering people the chance to do these things. Whether you want to volunteer for hours or for the sake of simply doing so, the work you put into these events will always be appreciated by everyone involved. So, to get into the holiday mood of charity, here are some examples of what you can do to give back this holiday season!
Now, depending on who you want to help or what you want to do, there are certain places that would be just right! For example, almost everyone loves animals and the Animal Welfare League of Frederick County is always looking for volunteers to help take care of the cats and dogs and assist in the teaching of future owners on the responsibilities that come with owning the pet they’re interested in. Another great animal option, if you are at least 18 years old, is helping at Muddy Paws where you help to take care of their rescue cats and dogs! In addition, you can help transport the animals and/or work at the adoption events, interacting with potential adopters. Though if you want to verge a bit more into the wilderness, try volunteering at the Audubon Wildlife Sanctuaries! You get to help maintain the trails and handle some of the wildlife- you even get to pick the activities that you do- it’s simply a great way to spend your time while caring for the environment and working with animals.
Yet, if you want to help people more- there are great ways to help in that way too! Plus, if you’re feeling the Christmas spirit and you love history, become a volunteer on December 9th for the Museums by Candlelight where you can tell visitors about the history of Christmas traditions as well as modern ones. Though for more general volunteering that’s throughout the season and year, retirement communities and shelters are a must. The food bank and soup kitchen can always use some extra help this time of year and are happy to have you there. There’s also always the Frederick Rescue Mission which our very own Local Love works closely with and if you want to, talk with Mrs. Nickles about joining.
While this is the time for giving, it’s great to continue your volunteering throughout the year. Whether you prefer working with your local rescue animals or our own community members, it’s always great to help out these causes. So, in whatever way you’re able, take the time to give back this snowy season, Titans!
Volunteering Opportunity Links:
Animal Welfare League:
Muddy Paws Farm:
Audobun Wildlife Sanctuaries:
Museums by Candlelight:
Food Back and Soup Kitchen: