Voices of Tuscarora: Favorite Childhood TV Show

November 10, 2017
Hello Titans!
We’re back again this week with another issue of Voices of Tuscarora. This time I went around and asked various students what their favorite TV show was from their childhood. While the results were quite varied it would seem that Spongebob, not surprisingly, is the reigning champion for favorite Childhood TV show. While it has done all of us a good laugh or two, and some of us a contemplation for wanting to kill the sponge, we can all say we’ve at least experience his yellow absorbency and awful laugh; a laugh that haunts your dreams every night.
Moving away from that, the runner-up is Hannah Montana – also not that surprising. There are few people who can make every single song from the series stick with you into your adulthood – Miss Montana did that. The show had a decent blend of comedy and singing, and it appealed to many small children, myself included at one point. The show was not my personal favorite, but that’s not important right now.
Childhood shows are the shows that we often live and die by for a good period of our lives. Whether it be Spongebob, Hannah Montana or Courage the Cowardly Dog, we all have our favorites. They all have an impact on us, to an extent. Some of us just watched them because we had nothing else to do, and some of us genuinely loved the shows. I personally loved Fraggle Rock and would stay up watching the show on cassette tape into the middle of the night. The point I’m trying to get across here is the shows we watch as children play an important part in our development. They lead us to new friends in the future, they offer bonding points for those friends, and they allowed us to have fun. Whether you would be up singing and dancing along or just dying laughing on the floor or couch, childhood TV shows are an important thing. While many would argue TV rots the brains of the children, there are measures you can take to limit that. Limit TV time or only allow a few episodes a day, but don’t cut children off from something they love.