California Fights The Puppy Mill Industry

October 13, 2017
Imagine being locked in a cage that’s not only far too small for you, but for the other three people in the same cage that you’re. It’s cramped, there’s hardly any room to move with the other three people in the cage and with how harsh that cage itself it. Yet, you’re not only ones in the cage- rather, you can see fellow people in the same position as you are and their cages have been demolished and torn, broken and beaten, and the cages are hardly hanging on a thread, and it almost seems as if the people inside felt the same destruction that the cage has endured. And nor is it a great shelter from the elements, no, you’re left out in the cold, cold winter and the blazing summer and you have nothing but those rusted metal bars around you. But what might be even worse, is that no matter what you have to live like this until somebody else changes your life. That is what it’s like to grow up in a puppy mill and even then, it can become much worse than the scenario just described. But, many cities have been banning the sale and for the first time, a state, California, is officially trying to ban the sale of non-shelter dogs in their entire state.
The bill, A.B. 485, would make California the first state to go against these corrupt and cruel puppy mills at the state level- albeit, the bill would also cover any animals sold at pet stores like kittens and bunnies. Matt Bershadker, president and CEO of the ASPCA, commented on the bill as the Californian senate unanimously passed it, he believes that, “by prohibiting the sale of commercially bred dogs and cats in pet stores, California will cut off the supply of inhumanely bred puppies into communities across the state, and prevent consumers from unwittingly supporting this cruel industry.” As with many animal rights activists, Bershadker loves the idea of this bill eventually becoming a trend amongst all of the United States. While the are plenty of people who know about the inhumane treatment of animals from commercial mills, there are still people who are unaware and indirectly support the business. And so, they hope that with A.B. 485 it will not only ban the sale of these mistreated animals but will also spread awareness concerning their treatment which will hopefully lead to more states following in their path.
In addition, this will encourage those searching for an animal to go to shelters rather than pet stores to purchase their new furry friend. This will then create more space in these shelters which will result in millions of animals lives being spared for the sake of space. Plus, animals in shelters are typically healthier than animals from these commercial breeders, they’re required to meet certain health standards and have gotten all the necessary shots, or if they’re too young to receive them when they come into the shelter, they will get their shots when they’re old enough to. Meanwhile, puppies from puppy mills have many health problems due the conditions they were brought up in and this applies to kittens, bunnies, and, any other animal that is raised in the less-than-satisfactory conditions with cages that are required to be at least six inches larger than the animal, and that’s if their mill is regulated. It’s heartbreaking because with these conditions being so poor, the animals will sometimes be delivered to these pet shops already dead or near death. This bill will end up significantly saving millions of animals lives by cutting off all of their profits in California, and as many people hope for, eventually all across the United States.
With California taking this step, many commercial breeders will suffer from lacking such profits while people begin to look towards shelters to get their pet. California may be the first state in this process, but with the cruel treatment of these breeders becoming more known, more states may join in and soon, this corrupt industry can come to an end and millions of animal lives can be saved.
Bender, Kelli. “California Set to Become First State to Ban All Puppy Mill Pet Store Sales.”, Time Inc, 13 Sept. 2017,