Seniors: Celebrate With Your Fellow Classmates at Safe and Sane

May 15, 2017
After the seniors have walked across the stage and received their diploma, a safe celebratory party is held at THS for all 2017 graduated seniors. There are prizes and games to play throughout the night from 8pm-2am. Play games to rack up your tickets and enter them into a raffle to win cool prizes! The prizes range from a camping kit to a 43” TV. In order to win you have to come and participate.
Thanks to our senior parent volunteers, the Safe and Sane committee have fundraised enough money to support the event and make it a fun and safe party with plenty of food and activities to do.The goal of Safe and Sane is to give the seniors a safe option to celebrate the success of graduating high school. After graduation, the seniors will report back to THS for one last time and enjoy playing games and competing with their fellow classmates to win awesome prizes. Then we say farewell to our seniors sending them off to Beach Week the next day.
Make sure you have registered for this years Safe and Sane event. Registration is now and we are looking for more seniors to participate. If you have any questions or concerns, please visit the Safe and Sane website. Feel free to ask questions and share the link with other seniors. This is a fun and safe event that all 2017 graduated seniors should attend. We look forward to seeing everyone! Here is the link below: