Perks Of Being A Leftie!

May 11, 2017
Lefties have a lot to deal with. We have to adjust to this right hand based world and all the injustices done within it. The most commonly known one being the tortuous device of right-handed scissors- hardly any class has leftie scissors and the hand cramps from using right-handed scissors with your left- unspeakable! Or even something as small as the annoying smudges one gets from writing an essay, it was such a menace that someone even invented a sleeve to prevent such a thing! Yet, there is always a ray of hope in the darkness! Lefties still have some advantages over righties and have pretty cool traits because they’re left handed. So here are some benefits of being a southpaw!
- In sports, it’s a major advantage. With many players being right-handed, practice is often veered to playing against fellow righties. So when playing against a leftie, most aren’t fully prepared on how to deal with someone left handed. Baseball is a great example of this, lefties at bat are already facing first base, pitchers can keep a better eye on first, and, are easily able to cover a large amount of field when playing outfield if their glove is on their right hand. Lefties excel at many other sports, like boxing or tennis, due to this extra element of surprise.
- They generally have higher IQs. While there is no definite reason that scientists have found, it’s observed that out of those that are highly intelligent, there is an oddly large part who just so happen to be left handed. Although, there is speculation as to why. Some believe that due to lefties being forced to use both sides of their brain, it makes it a lot easier for them to process and learn information quicker. Ergo, despite only 10% of the population being left handed, they make up many of the geniuses in the world!
- Lefties are better at multitasking. Their brains are typically used to dealing with right-handed tasks which can result in having faster and more efficient communication between both right and left hemispheres. Because of this, lefties may find it a lot easier to multitask and organize incoming information that may be confusing. The more left handed you are, the better you are at multitasking!
- They’re ideal for the arts! The left hemisphere, dominant in right-handedness, is a lot more language-based while the right hemisphere, dominant in left-handedness, is far more visual-based. And while there is no solid scientific evidence, the idea that lefties thrive in the arts isn’t without reason. In using both sides of the brain for language, it opens up a doorway to be creative! Nonetheless, there are plenty of well-renowned artists that are left handed like Leonardo, Michelangelo, Rembrandt, and Picasso. In addition to artists, there are plenty of left handed musicians like Beethoven, Paul McCartney, Kurt Cobain, and possibly the most famous lefty guitarist, Jimi Hendrix.
- Lefties can see better underwater. Again, scientists aren’t exactly sure why lefties have this bizarre trait, though it has been proven that they do. But if you enjoy swimming and you’re left handed- you’ll be able to see the underwater world better than any rightie!
There are still plenty more perks to being a leftie, so when you’re down about smearing your pencil marks or using right-handed scissors, keep them in mind! Be proud to be a leftie or be proud of your left handed friends!