Why You Should Rescue!

March 30, 2017
If you are thinking about getting a pet, you should consider rescuing a pet rather than buying them. Rescuing a pet can be a lot more beneficial than buying- both to your family and the animals of the world. But sadly, not a lot of people consider this option- which results in over two million cats and dogs being euthanized each year because of overcrowded shelters. If more people decided to rescue their animals then we could significantly reduce that number while giving these lovely animals a happy home!
Deciding to rescue a furry friend can help not only one, but two animals! Shelters are often overcrowded and that results in the horrible choice to euthanize animals to make room for new animals coming in. You inadvertently save a life by opening up space for another dog or cat to live in the shelter- which helps them to heal up! Most animals coming from shelters actually tend to be healthier than ones bought at pet stores, that typically come from mills, because of the medical treatment and healthier environment. Shelter staff makes sure animals are in tip-top shape before being adopted, they even have veterinary clinics on site. In contrast, breeding mills focus on profit over health- females who can no longer breed for them are often killed. Yet, 2.11 million dogs are bought from puppy mills while 2-3 million dogs are euthanized because of not enough space or rescue families. Rescuing these furry friends in need help you fight puppy mills and keeps you smiling and laughing with your new pet while you do!
Not only does rescuing save lives, it saves money. While a majority of animals are bought need to be potty trained, shelter animals are already potty trained- which is a major benefit to keep in mind. Shelters also make sure to do basic training as well so there would be no need to spend money on training classes- if that’s even a priority. Shelter animals are already given their shots and veterinary care that’s needed before they are adopted; which erases vet bills that can cost up to three hundred dollars. Nonetheless adopting or rescuing an animal is much cheaper than buying. For dogs, rescuing can cost $40-$400 dollars while a purebred can be $500 to even $2,000 dollars. The price of buying an animal can be an insanely greater amount than simply going with the option to rescue one from a local shelter
Overall, rescuing animals is a great option! You have the ability to not only help the animal you’ve rescued but others that needed shelter, too. They cost less than they would if they’re bought and almost all of the medical expenses has already been paid and done with. And deciding to buy an animal from a commercial breeding mill or pet store (of which usually gets their animals from mills) is feeding a horrible, heart-breaking system that hurts millions of animals each year. So, if you are thinking about getting a pet, make sure to keep the idea of rescuing one in mind, help save our dear furry friends!
Here are some of the newspaper staff’s own rescue pets!