Benefits of Being Bilingual

March 25, 2017
In order to graduate we need to have taken two language classes, typically being the first and second class of the same language. And while some may continue onto the next classes, most stop after two and may forget most or even all of what they’ve learned. So if only a few have a real interest in learning another language and most forget a lot of what they learned, what’s the point of learning it if you don’t use it?
There are a multitude of possible answers to this question and even more if you continue to advance your second language’s skill.
Whether you realize it or not, learning a different language can actually help you to better understand your first language. In learning or realizing different aspects of a language, like direct/indirect object pronouns, articles, suffixes, prefixes, it can help you comprehend your Native language more. And if your own is English, then you may even see a rise in your English grade thanks to this! It also helps memory and listening skills improve which could help with any class. Nonetheless, it may give you a one up when it comes to taking the SAT and ACT- which is always an appreciated benefit.
Learning multiple languages can also increase your knowledge of other cultures in the world. If taking Spanish, you learn about, not only Spain but Central and South America too! The same is with France and learning about places in Canada and Africa who have the francophone culture as well. Albeit, this may not be the case in Latin; however, you learn about past cultures and how it’s affected our own today. In today’s world, media enables us to be more connected than ever before; we are able to talk to friends and family across the globe and being able to talk about their culture or even crossing a language barrier is amazing!
While it may not seem like everyone benefits from taking another language, we all do! Memory is improved, comprehension is increased and the possibilities that the world offers expands! And for those very reasons; this may be why we are required to take a certain amount of another language. It even opens a career path as an ambassador or interpreter in the government- which can be quite nicely paid and/or have great benefits. These classes help us learn and have opportunities we may have never had if we didn’t know another language- the benefits simply outweigh the cons.