New Semester, New Me

Japanese High School Classroom
January 19, 2017
Although changing classes may seem like all new responsibilities, you can take it as an opportunity for a fresh start. Around Tuscarora, students have mixed emotions about the kickoff of a new semester.
One of the best things about the beginning of a new semester is being in a new environment. Nathan Usher is a sophomore, but this is his first year at Tuscarora. He especially likes starting a new semester because he is, “really excited to meet new people.” Another perk of starting second semester is getting new classes. Amy Joy, who takes classes through FCC, finished by early December. Amy says, “I am excited to feel productive again” with an all new course load.
On the other hand, some people are unsure about starting all over again. Freshman Hunter Shiblie is nervous and thinks of it as, “a whole new school year”. This is something he’s never experienced before and doesn’t know what to expect. However, the transition is less drastic for Junior Maddie Yocklin, who is confident she will be able to maintain her grades. In her opinion, “not much is going to change.”
Despite how you may feel about the beginning of a new semester, it’s here. To ensure you have a good start, keep up the hard work and ease into the new schedule.