5 Reasons to Adopt your Dog from a Shelter

November 29, 2016
1. Save money
The average cost of purchasing a purebred can range anywhere from $500-$2000. However, adopting is a fraction of the price, typically costing between $30 and $400. Rescuing a dog is a simple way to save money when caring for the dog is already expensive.
2. Save a life
About one in three dogs placed in shelters will be killed due to lack of funds and space. By adopting from a shelter, you’re preventing a dog from being put to sleep and making room for other dogs in need. Not to mention it makes you feel good to know that you’ve made a difference, even if it’s just one dog!
3. Prevent overpopulation
When you buy a dog from a breeder they are purposely being bred for profit. Yet, approximately 3.9 million dogs enter a shelter every year. Breeding dogs adds to the issue of overpopulation when there are already millions of dogs alive and in need of a home.
4. Denounce puppy mills
Puppy Mills are facilities that breed dogs purely for profit. The conditions that the dogs are kept in are inhumane. Specifically, the female dogs are kept in cramped cages, provided no exercise and bred continuously. Making the choice to adapt prevents funding a cruel corporation.
5. Avoid the puppy stage
Although the puppy stage can be fun, it isn’t ideal for every family. Rather than purchasing a dog from a breeder, you can adopt and choose the age of your dog. For example, not everyone wants to wake up at night and take their puppy outside.
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