Freshman Survival Guide

August 30, 2016
Making the adjustment between middle and high school is almost always overwhelming. Although you thought you were prepared, within the first week of school you may find that there is more to it than just having your supplies and knowing your schedule. As a freshman, these five tips might help to ease your transition.
- Get involved
Speaking from experience, high school goes by in the blink of an eye. Before you know it, you’ll be be knee deep in SAT prep and college applications. Take the opportunity now to involve yourself in extracurriculars. Whether it is drama club or the basketball team, there is a place for everyone.
- Leave your comfort zone
You may feel intimidated by the unfamiliarity of school events. But, football games and school dances are a great way to meet people you don’t typically see. Our school relies on the students to support other students. There are regularly games, performances, and more going on after school that you can attend and show your Titan pride.
- Maintain balance
When the time comes for you to pick your classes for next year, it’s easy to cram your schedule full of demanding academic courses. Having such a stressful workload can be more harmful than beneficial. By making room for a class that you actually enjoy, it gives you a block to look forward to.
- Double up
With a lot preoccupying you, it’s likely you won’t remember what you learned in your last semester. In memory intensive classes like languages or maths, it is especially helpful to have concepts fresh in your mind. By “doubling up” or taking the same subject in both semesters, you may find that you don’t spend the early weeks of class having to review previous information.
- Do your homework
In most classes, homework is 10% of your grade. This seemingly small portion makes all the difference between an A or a B. Most homework is graded by completion opposed to accuracy, so trying your best will typically earn you an easy A on your homework.