Culinary Corner: Cobb Salad with mustard vinaigrette


Hartman, Adviser

The recipe below makes two ‘dinner sized’ salads. If you were planning to serve more, simply double the ingredients.


For the Salad:

8-12 strips bacon

1 1/2 lbs boneless skinless chicken



1 Avocado cut into strips

1-2 heads Romaine Lettuce

2 hard boiled eggs

2 tomatos quartered


For the Dressing:

1/4 cup apple cider vinegar

2 tbsp spicy brown mustard

1/4 cup olive oil

1 tbsp fresh cracked pepper

2 tbsp onion powder



Cook bacon in large skillet. Remove, and drain excess fat. Prepare chicken by rubbing with salt and pepper. Add chicken to skillet used for bacon (I leave a little bacon fat in the skillet because, ya know? bacon). Cook over medium heat until internal temperature reads 185 degrees Fahrenheit. Remove chicken and allow to rest briefly.

While the chicken is resting, prepare the dressing by whisking the onion powder, pepper, and cider vinegar together. Stir in the oil while whisking until all the ingredients are blended together.

I always prepare the salads in individual bowls for presentation’s sake. To do this, simply add a half the Romaine lettuce to the bowl and then organize the toppings in rows on top of the salad. Drizzle with a few tablespoons of the vinaigrette and enjoy!