What Students Have to Say About the Front Runners in the Election

What Students Have to Say About the Front Runners in the Election

Ashlyn Hurley, writer

If you turn on the news at home you’re likely to hear or see something about someone who is running for office this year. People quickly formed opinions about the candidates, considering that several candidates have household name status. Bill Clinton was in office from 1993 to 2001. His wife, Hillary Clinton was not an unfamiliar name at the time. Donald Trump was a well known businessman and politician before he decided to run. We asked five Tuscarora students what their opinion on Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are, and this is what they had to say.


How old are you and what is your gender?

Student A: 16, female.

Student B: 15, male. lunch
Student C: 17, female.

Student D: 16, female.

Student E: 17, male.


Do you watch any debates at home? If not, where do you get your information on the candidates from?

Student A: Yes I watch debates with my mom.

Student B: I watch debates occasionally and I get the rest of my information from FOX, CNN, websites and word of mouth.

Student C: Yes, I also have done my own research through the candidates political campaign websites and other news related sources such as CNN.

Student D: I don’t watch the presidential debates but I watch shows such as Jon Oliver, The Daily Show, and Bill Maher.

Student E: I don’t watch the debates because none of the candidates are making good points, I usually just check CNN 3 times a week.


Did you know who Hillary Clinton was before she ran for office?

Student A: Yes.

Student B: Yes.
Student C: Yes.

Student D: Yes.

Student E: Yes.


Did you know who Donald Trump was before he ran for office?

Student A: No.

Student B: Kind of.

Student C: Yes.

Student D: Yes.

Student E: Yes.


What is your opinion on Hillary Clinton?

Student A: She’s a liar and she should be in jail because she put our country in danger when she didn’t follow the laws of how to correctly communicate top secret information, and that lead to the deaths of Americans.

Student B: I have no opinion to swing me one way or the other, but I expect politicians to be liars.

Student C: I think she would be highly qualified with her previous experience in foreign affairs as well as a revolutionary example of girl power but I do not think that she can recover voter support for the distortion of her publicly announced beliefs over time as well as some other questionable behavior.

Student D: I don’t know much about her, but I know she isn’t a good candidate and that a lot of people don’t like her.

Student E: She’s a good person but she’s sneaky about a few things.

What is your opinion on Donald Trump?

Student A: He’s scary on his thoughts of certain controversial topics and he is very forward and he doesn’t know how to filter his thoughts respectfully.

Student B: He says too much without thinking about it.

Student C: Mr. Trump has very discriminatory opinions and I cannot support someone that does not have a strong political background as well as someone that cannot serve as a respectful representative of our constitution.

Student D: I don’t like him because he’s racist and just rude in general. He also doesn’t stand by his own opinions.

Student E: I like him as a person but not as a political candidate, his ways of making America great again aren’t the right or true way to do it


Do you feel as though Hillary Clinton would do a sufficient job as President of the United States?

Student A: 100% absolutely, completely not.

Student B: No.
Student C: Yes.

Student D: No, I don’t.

Student E: I think she can be a good president if she opens up and tries not to hide things from the public. Also tell the people what they want to hear and follow through with it.


Do you feel as though Donald Trump would do a sufficient job as President of the United States?

Student A: I feel like he would in the form of his policies but I feel like he wouldn’t because of his views on illegal immigration and other topics and because he’s immature and is not a very good leader.

Student B: No.

Student C: No, he’s a good businessman, he’s not a politician

Student D: Not at all.

Student E: No I really don’t, even though he has the right mindset to make us great again, he is making it a race and cultural thing, and this is making a lot of people upset and some people are even willing to leave the country.