Field Trip to the Walters Art Museum

Field Trip to the Walters Art Museum

Kaylan Wallen, Writer/Photographer

Field Trip to the Walters Art Museum

This past week Mrs.Creter’s and Ms.Chucoski’s AP World class visited the Walters Art Museum in Baltimore. This museum holds all the historical treasures the Walters family has collected over the past two centuries. These works of art have all been donated to the state of Maryland. The field trip was free and they sent a bus for us to get there safely. All they ask in return is that you offer a $2 donation to keep the museum free and open to the public. It was a 50 minute ride to the Walters Art Museum which didn’t seem very long because we were all talking and laughing.

When we arrived we were greeted at the door by one of the museum’s representatives as our bags were checked. Then we were split in to four groups, group 2 and 4 went with the representative to the engineering area. Groups 1 and 3 went on a tour around the museum. In the engineering area we built satellites that had to deploy an item upon impact with the group. We later sat down and talked about how engineers use science, creativity, problem solving, and other methods to build.

Then the groups switched activities, but before we started our tour we had time to take a picture. When we met up with our tour guide we could tell that we were going to have fun. We started with the Egyptian exhibit, then Mesopotamian exhibit, and last but not least the roman exhibit. We talked about their agriculture, architecture, culture, and their role in our society today. After the tour we all met up in front of the museum where we took role and then walked to the park next to the museum to eat lunch. Then we got on the bus and came home.

In conclusion the Walters Art Museum is the perfect place for a field trip. There were many interesting pieces of art, unfortunately we weren’t able to see them all but it was still a great trip.