FCPS Board of Education Updates

In FCPS our schools are run and regulated throughout the Board of Education (BOE). On the Board of Education there are seven members, plus one student member which we elect. This year our BOE has been busy at work dealing with our current budgeting issue, redistricting, and getting the newly elected members comfortable in their positions.
It is important to know what is going on with the BOE in order to advocate for your education. They are in charge of our education and make decisions that significantly impact us everyday we come to school. From things such as where we go to school, or to when we can be on our phones during school hours. I urge everyone who is reading this to look into what the BOE is doing to make sure you advocate for your education in order to be successful in FCPS.
Currently, our BOE is looking over a cell phone policy for students. This policy will most likely go into effect next school year. It involves stricter regulations on students using their phone during school. This could mean students have to have their cell phones completely put away during school and only be able to be on them during lunches and before/after school. This is unpopular with the student body; however, teachers are very in favor of this policy. The goal of this is to make sure students are staying focused in school and this could potentially decrease the amount of issues online such as cyberbullying, rumors or fight videos being spread.
Next, study groups that are looking into later school start times have begun in January. Their goal is to research effects of later and earlier school start times for students to further consider if FCPS wants to go into that direction of starting schools later. Students have expressed an interest in wanting to start school later like other counties have begun doing in Maryland. This workgroup would look at things such as busses needed, reasonable times to begin each level of schooling, etc.
Then, they are looking at updating regulations more so for language usebut about student absences. Students have mental health days and more religious holidays are counted towards an excused absence. Additionally, thresholds of being absent at school for a certain number of days can lead you to fail. In addition, FCPS is adding a U.S Women’s History course, as well as more technical courses for high school students, mathematics courses for middle school students, and CTE courses related to Firefighting Programs. These will go into effect next school year.
Furthermore, it is important to know what is going on in our county as there will be some changes in policies due to new BOEmembers and budget cuts being made. If you want to get more information on what is happening in FCPS, go to the FCPS website and click on the tab “Board of Education.” Before you make assumptions- always do your research to prevent false information. On the other hand, if you have any concerns as a student- follow our SMOB (@fcps_smob) on Instagram and message Elijah Steele to voice those concerns.