The year without a Santa Claus is a stop-motion animated Christmas television movie. It was created in 1974 and it was produced by Rankin/Bass Productions. It was based on Phyllis McGinley’s 1956 book and it was narrated by Shirley Booth (who voiced Mrs. Claus). And also, this was her very last movie she has ever acted in before her retirement.
At the beginning of the movie, Santa Claus has a cold. When the doctor came to his house, he was in a bad mood, telling him that nobody cares about Christmas anymore. So what did Santa do? He cancelled Christmas. So it was a year without a Santa Claus. BUT THEN, Mrs. Claus had an idea. She decided to take Santa’s place and save Christmas, but she needed help. So she got two elves named Jingle and Jangle. Mrs. Claus needed them to seek evidence of the Christmas Spirit so that the kids can care about Christmas again. They left with Santa’s youngest reindeer Vixen. This movie is the best option for the holidays. It has a lot of songs that’ll make your Christmas spirit be full of a lot of excitement.
Mrs. Claus came to visit Snow Miser to ask him if he could make it snow in the Southern United States called, “Southtown,” but in order for him to do that, Mrs. Claus needs to ask Heat Miser to allow Snow Miser to make it snow in Southtown. He responded, “WHAT?!?!?! NEVER!!!!”
In order for Heat Miser to allow Snow Miser to make it snow in Southtown, Snow Miser should hand over the North Pole to Heat Miser, but Snow Miser thought it was a bad idea, so they started fighting. Like always. Mrs. Claus has had enough with those two, so she visited Mother Nature to make sure Snow Miser and Heat Miser are getting along, but they both said no. Mother Nature used her lightening powers to stop those two from fighting, and now they’re getting along. Barely.
I recommend watching this movie because it’s really funny. It has a lot of songs that’ll make you laugh and your heart fill with joy. It also explains what will happen if Santa wasn’t there to deliver presents to the kids: who will take care of Christmas? Who will be in charge of the sleigh this year and most importantly, who’s going to be the new Santa Claus?
My favorite character is Snow Miser. He’s funny. Snow and Heat Miser have a lot of intense beef and it can’t be stopped. Even Mother Nature couldn’t separate these two. She was like, “What am I going to do with them both?”