Mickey’s Christmas Carol is a Disney animated short movie that is an adaptation of Charles Dickens’ classic tale. The story follows Ebenezer Scrooge, a miserly old man portrayed by Scrooge McDuck, who is visited by the ghost of his former business partner, Jacob Marley, and three spirits on Christmas Eve. These spirits represent Christmas Past, Present, and Future. They take Scrooge on a journey to confront his selfish ways and the consequences of his actions. Along the way, he encounters Mickey Mouse as Bob Cratchit, his underpayed and underappreciated employee, and Donald Duck as the cheerful yet troubled Fred and Scrooge’s nephew. The movie is a retelling of the classic tale, with the overarching message about the importance of compassion, generosity and the true spirit of Christmas.
The characters in Mickey’s Christmas Carol are amazingly brought to life through Disney’s signature animation. Scrooge McDuck is the classic archetype of the miser, distintive with his rough exterior, not caring about personal relationships and he is filled with never ending greed. On the other hand, Mickey Mouse is the kind hearted Bob Cratchit, who has unfaltering love for his family even in hardship. Donald Duck is the perfect foil as Fred, filled with joy and warmth, contrasting Scrooge’s cold nature, despite being his nehpew. The spirits, each coming from different Disney films have their own goals and ghostly auras to them.
This short movie is a great choice for the Christmas season, running at just over 30 minutes. One of the main reasons for my love of Mickey’s Christmas Carol is the animation style that characterizes the story. I really appreciate Disney’s older cartoon animations and never get tired of watching them. The animation in this movie captures the magic of Christmas and even features characters from other films, making it all the more fun and entertaining. My favorite backdrop is Scrooge’s house, as I just find myself really drawn to the way it looks and how the snow falls as he makes his way back. Even his room and the gust of wind blowing in are among my favorite scenes. I don’t know why, but I just really like that scene. Overall, Mickey’s Christmas Carol is a great movie to watch if you find yourself with nothing else to view, or if you’re in need of some holiday spirit.