Christmas is near and family gatherings are in the air. Everyone wants to bring something to the gathering that all will enjoy. A popular easy shareable treat is white trash. This treat is addictively delicious and will have the whole party raving about how they can’t put it down.
There are many great recipes out there. The one I found easiest to follow was from food.com. The main ingredient for this recipe is rice and corn chex, pretzels, white chocolate chips and m&ms. M&m’s add a pop of festive color that can be customized to each holiday. Some Christmas colors to use would be green and red. This recipe is easy and quick with very few steps. You first combine all the dry ingredients in a large bowl, while in a separate bowl, melt the white chocolate in the microwave. Next you pour melted white chocolate over cereal mixture. Stir until evenly coated. Pour onto the prepared baking sheet. Let cool completely. If desired, break into smaller pieces once white trash has cooled.
This recipe is so much fun to make. It’s especially fun if you make it with your family and friends. My friends helped me make this recipe as we blasted Christmas music and laughed. We all took a share home as well as ate some while we watched a Christmas movie. Tuscarora junior Jada Grant stated, “I had so much fun making that and it was so delicious. I still remember how good it was.”
Such an easy recipe allows bakers of a variety of experiences to create something truly delicious that anyone and everyone can enjoy. I strongly encourage anyone and everyone to try this quick and easy white trash recipe that can be found linked below. Merry Christmas!