Titans victorious over rival Cadets!!!

Titans victorious over rival Cadets!!!

Tori Nicholson and Drew Johnson




DSC_0022Direct your attention back to last Friday’s game, September 18th, 2015, which was against Frederick High School. Our stands were filled with Titan pride and the student section was packed up to the top of the stands. The Titan cheerleaders were pumping up the crowd throughout the entire night! One main thing though is that the football players were pumped from the start of the game and all ready to beat Frederick, which we did! The games atmosphere was overall electric.


The picture to the left is Brittany Beach and Reid Dugan, both juniors participating in the “green themed” student section.  Everybody was dressed up in the Titan’s famous green with paint on their faces or accessories to tie together their outfit. The student section was so packed that some of the titan students were crowd surfing it! Many different chants were being screamed and everybody participated in the famous roller coaster. Let’s make sure we can have the same pumped student section for the next game against another familiar foe, T.J.

Going into every game tDSC_0061he football players have the goal of defeating the other team, which this week we did against Frederick. The game featured multiple titan touchdowns with Frederick scoring nothing, our defense was in serious shutdown mode.  The last quarter did consist of a touchdown coming from Frederick but this was far too little far too late. The overall score was 52-7. Some of the stats coming from the game include four touchdowns from John Chaney, two from Dee Anderson and one from Rodney Dorsey. Also, Christian Edwards had 199 yards passing.

Make sure you come and support the game against T.J at home on September 25th, 2015!