Attic Gallery
The Raven’s Feather
A fellow bird flies without a single notice
He loses a feather without a single glance
He loses his mind
His passion,without a single glance
He flies high above the ground yet
No single whispers are heard
Not even from the crackle of the skulls
Nor the creak of rocking chairs old ladies sit on
while watching the sky turn black
A fellow bird flies without a single notice
He loses a feather without a single glance
He loses his mind
His passion,without a single glance
He flies high above the ground yet
No single whispers are heard
Not even from the crackle of the skulls
Nor the creak of rocking chairs old ladies sit on
while watching the sky turn black
Yet this bird flies with no feathers left
And too weak to carry on
But with no matter of a doubt the fellow
Bird flies without a glance
He loses his mind
His passion, without a single glance
He flies high above the ground yet
No single whispers are heard
Not even from the crackle of the skulls
Nor the creak of rocking chairs old ladies sit on
while watching the sky turn black
Now this fellow bird has moved on.