Frederick County Public Schools partnered with the Frederick County Sheriff’s department to conduct a substance sweep throughout three public schools using K-9’s on Thursday, Aug. 31.
These sweeps are considered as preventative measures, in order to ensure the safety of the FCPS students and staff. The schools in question were Tuscarora High School, Frederick High School and Governor Thomas Johnson High School. All three of the schools were going through a “safety week” where they execute different protocols and drills as practice, ensuring the students and staff know what to do in case a serious scenario were to happen within the building. This search fit perfectly with the week and both FCPS and FCSD thought it would be beneficial.
The schools were all placed on a “hold” status during their second block at around 9:35 a.m. All students were prohibited from leaving their classrooms until the administration said otherwise. The county sheriffs brought the dogs through the hallways of both the first and second floor, more specifically guiding them to the lockers spread through each floor to see if anything was being stashed in them.
The sweep lasted about 25-30 minutes, during which they did not find any illegal contraband. Mayor Eyler stated, “Throughout the school year we will work with the Frederick Police Department and Frederick County Public Schools to conduct these unannounced operations.”
(Image from: WFMD)